

Medical and scientific information portal on the subject of vaccinations under the guidance of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, the University-Hospital of Sassari, in collaboration with the Health Protection Agency (ATS Sardinia) and the University of Sassari.

The Vaccinarsi in Sardegna website was created as part of the CCM 2014 project "Monitorare la fiducia del pubblico nei programmi vaccinali e le sue necessità informative sviluppando un sistema di decisione assistita per le vaccinazioni tramite il sito 'vaccinarsi.org' e altri siti e social network specificatamente dedicati alle vaccinazioni" ("Monitoring public confidence in vaccination programmes and its information needs by developing an assisted decision-making system for vaccinations via the 'vaccinarsi.org' site and other sites and social network pages specifically dedicated to vaccination") and implemented as activity of activity 9.1.3 (Realizzazione di una campagna di informazione e comunicazione sulle vaccinazioni e sulle malattie prevenibili con vaccino) (Implementation of an information and communication campaign on vaccinations and vaccine-preventable diseases) for the "Sviluppo e potenziamento delle vaccinazioni" ("Development and reinforcement of vaccinations") of the Regional Prevention Plan (PRP) 2014-2018.

© 2017 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna - Viale Trento, 69 - 09123 Cagliari CA Italy
© 2017 Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Sassari - Viale S. Pietro, 43/B - 07100 Sassari SS Italy
© 2017 ATS Sardegna - Via Enrico Costa, 57 (Piazza Fiume) - 07100 Sassari SS Italy
© 2017 Università degli Studi di Sassari - Viale S. Pietro, 43/C - 07100 Sassari SS Italy

Project: Vaccinarsi in Sardegna

Project Leader: Paolo Castiglia

Declaration of responsibility

The information contained on the vaccinarsinsardegna.org website is not intended as a substitute for the opinions, advice, indications and treatments provided by medical professionals or those given by recognised health facilities. As such, the information provided is a supplement to, and not a replacement of, the doctor-patient relationship.

Prof. Paolo Castiglia, head of the Vaccinarsi in Sardegna project, in collaboration with the Scientific Committee, whose members share opinions, indications and evaluations, undertakes to approve the publication of the informative contents within the portal at the URL: vaccinarsinsardegna.org. The contents are presented in the form of articles composed and signed by the authors who provide for their editing, limiting their verification to the bibliographic sources indicated in the article itself.

External web pages, to which links present on the site vaccinarsinsardegna.org may refer, may contain unverified information. No responsibility is assumed for the interpretation and use of this information.

Any conflicts of interest and/or external influences, which could affect the objectivity of the editorial content, will be clearly indicated with an explanatory note inserted before each article concerned.

While the site is methodically organised, carefully compiled and continuously checked, integrated and updated, it may happen that contents (articles, reports, multimedia material, etc.) available on the portal report news and/or illustrations and/or data which are incomplete or inaccurate. The user may communicate any inaccuracies, or typographical errors detected, at Contacts.

Vaccinarsi in Sardegna cannot authorise links to sites that contain or could contain illegal or immoral topics, or those which go against public order.

The website Vaccinarsi in Sardegna does not host advertisements and, as such, does not receive funding from displaying commercial content.

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