“A good coffee for a good cause: END POLIO”
dal 23/10/2020 al 24/10/2020
October 24th 2020 marks an important anniversary: World Polio Day, with events planned and promoted all over the world. On this occasion, we remember the significant objectives reached to date thanks to the multicentric collaboration and joint support of the many institutions, organisations, and foundations that work together to fight this disease.
Again this year, Rotary International (partner of this initiative together with World Health Organization, Unicef, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) is preparing to celebrate this important anniversary with the cooperation of all associated districts and clubs.Among them, the Rotary Club of Sassari takes part in the the fight against polio with the aims of promoting the definitive eradication of poliovirus strains worldwide, fund-raising, increasing awareness on the importance of vaccinations and finally supporting district governors and club presidents in sharing the testimonies and experiences of Rotary in tackling polio.
Among the many events at national and international level, the Rotarian associations of Sassari have organised two important initiatives: the first "A good coffee for a good cause: END POLIO" which will be held on Friday, October 23, 2020 from 8.30 to 12.30 at the Bar Giardino, Via Roma 55, and the second "World Polio Day: End Polio Now" which will be held on the World Polio Day itself (October 24) at the Bar Academia Caffè, Via Torre Tonda 11. All are invited to participate in both initiatives to enjoy a cup of coffee and donate a polio vaccine by purchasing a ‘suspended coffee’.
Attached are posters of both initiatives.
Friday, 23rd October from 8.30 to 12.30 at Bar Giardino, Via Roma 55
Saturday, 24th October at Bar Accademia Caffè, Via Torre Tonda 11
Sassari Centre